The EU Commission is stepping up the fight against illegal content with Internet platforms
Discussions about copyright rules for the digital age are rising. In the last quarter of 2017, the European Commission (“EC”) has been pretty busy to step up the fight against online piracy and counterfeiting; but online platforms also have a role to play. Indeed, hundreds of thousands of movies, TV shows, software and books are still available to download for free. In this article, we highlight some of the new proposals aiming at protecting copyright and ensuring that illegal content once taken down does not (too quickly) simply reappear.
does the Commission plan to step up the fight against counterfeiting and
from the copyright proposal reform adopted
in September 2016, the EC recently published a number of important IP documents:
A Communication
paper on “Tackling Illegal
Content Online - Towards an enhanced responsibility of online platforms”;
A Communication
paper giving “Guidance on certain
aspects of Directive 2004/48/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
on the enforcement of intellectual property rights”;
A Communication
paper on “A balanced IP
enforcement system responding to today's societal challenges”.
are the EC Communications all about?
In a nutshell, the 1st
communication was adopted to increase the proactive prevention, detection and
removal of illegal content in the online environment. The EC proposes common
tools to detect, remove and prevent the reappearance of such content online. These
Guidelines also aim to provide clarifications to platforms on their liability
when they indeed take proactive steps to detect, remove or disable access to illegal
The 2nd and 3rd communications
provide for a comprehensive set of measures aiming at improving the way IPRs
are applied and enforced across the EU. It supports the 1st
recommendation. In particular, the EC calls on the tech industry to undertake
further due diligence steps to combat IPR infringements.
are the main new measures to ensure that copyright holders are well protected?
The 1st
measure: The EC wants to deprive commercial-scale
IP infringers, the 'big fish' rather than individuals, of the revenue flows
that make their criminal activity lucrative (aka the "follow the
money" approach).
here, nothing new under the sun…
Indeed, instead
of using legislation, the EC continues to support industry-led initiatives to
combat IP infringements, including voluntary agreements on advertising on
websites, on payment services and on transport and shipping. “Such agreements can lead to faster action
against counterfeiting and piracy than court actions” said the
instance, the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the Sale of Counterfeit
Goods via the Internet, signed in 2011 between the right holders and internet
platforms, has already yielded significant results.
The 2nd
measure: clarifying interpretation issues
that have arisen in the application of the 2004 Directive on the enforcement of
intellectual property rights (IPRED).
It’s a
useful initiative.
guidance provides clarification where there have been diverging interpretations
on IPRED provisions in the Member States, not only based on the case-law of the
EU Court of Justice but also on national "best practices".
guidance makes it clear that the possibility to issue an injunction against an
online platform on the basis of IPRED does not depend on the intermediary's
liability for the infringement (as under the E-commerce Directive). The
guidance also explains that by means of such injunctions against
intermediaries, national courts may issue injunctions imposing specific
monitoring obligations.
Some of
the measures in IPRED only apply to 'commercial scale' infringements. The
guidance clarifies the concept of ‘commercial scale' which should be interpreted
taking into account qualitative elements, such as the commercial advantage of
the infringements, and quantitative elements, such as the number/extent of the
infringements.Lastly, the guidance encourages the use of new instruments such as protective brief (defendant informs the court before an infringement case has formally been lodged) and dynamic injunctions (e.g. against repeat infringers).
the 3rd measure: The EC wants to
explore the potential of new technologies such as blockchain to combat IP
infringements in supply chains.
This is a totally new approach
(but unfortunately no information is provided by the Commission…).
Blockchain technology, with its
immutable characteristics and peer-to-peer review, could indeed be used as
a registry/database of IP rights. Content creators may then decide to
produce and license their new album in the blockchain and receive royalty
payments via smart contracts, without having to deal with the chain of
collection societies and publishing administrators.
Blockchain”, a blockchain-based music database with a codec and player that is
tied to a blockchain in order to play content, is one example of a company
using such technology to solve the piracy issues.
it remains to be seen how the piracy problems will be handled. Internet users still
have plenty of ways to copy, record, and distribute content without the consent
and compensation of its right holders.
What are
the main actions expected from online platforms?
The EC proposes common tools to “swiftly
and proactively detect, remove and prevent” the reappearance of illegal content online:
and notification
Online platforms should systematically
enhance their cooperation with the national competent authorities, whilst
Member States should ensure that courts are able to effectively react against
illegal content online.
To speed up detection, Internet platforms
are encouraged to work closely with trusted flaggers, i.e. specialized entities with expert knowledge on what constitutes
illegal content. Notices from trusted flaggers should be able to be fast-tracked
by the platform.
Finally, online platforms should
establish an easily accessible and user-friendly mechanism that allows their
users to notify content considered to be illegal and which the platforms host.
This should facilitate the provision of notices that contain an explanation of
the reasons why the notice provider considers the content illegal and a clear
indication of the location of the potentially illegal content (e.g. the URL address).
It is emphasized that online platforms
should do their utmost to proactively detect, identify and remove illegal
content online. The EC strongly encourages online platforms to use voluntary,
proactive measures aimed at the detection and removal of illegal content and to
step up cooperation and investment in, and use of, automatic detection
technologies. Particularly fast removal is crucial in the case of illegal
content where serious harm is at stake, for instance in cases of incitement to
terrorism acts.Very importantly, the EC emphasizes that when online services explicitly search for pirated materials, they won’t lose the benefit of the liability exemption provided for in Article 14 of the E-Commerce Directive.
In particular, the taking of such measures do not need to imply that the online platform concerned plays an active role which would no longer allow it to benefit from the said exemption. Whenever such measures lead the online platform to obtain actual knowledge or awareness of illegal content, it shall act expeditiously to remove or to disable access to the illegal information in question to satisfy the conditions required by law for the continued availability of that exemption.
of re-appearance (Notice-and-stay-down approach)
The EC strongly encourages the further
use and development of automatic technologies to prevent the re-appearance of
illegal content online. Where automatic tools are indeed used to do so, a
reversibility safeguard should be available for erroneous decisions. Also, the
use and performance of this technology should be made transparent in the
platforms' terms of service.
Online platforms should take measures
which dissuade users from repeatedly uploading illegal content of the same
nature and aim to effectively disrupt the dissemination of such illegal
Access to databases that are used to
automatically match and identify reappearing illegal content should be available
to all online platforms (subject to compliance of any processing operation with
applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and competition).
Privacy policies of companies should include transparent information on
processing of personal data in case of such databases.
Hash-based and other automatic filters
are not new of course. Services such as Google
Drive and Dropbox already have
these in place and YouTube’s
Content-ID system also falls into this category.
The Communication also calls for
broader transparency measures (including on the number and speed of
take-downs), as well as complaint mechanisms and other safeguards to prevent
the over-removal of content.
legislative measures in a near future?
Although these recommendations are non-binding, the EC expects online platforms to implement their Guidelines. Implementation will be monitored over the next months. If nothing is done by then, the EC threatens to impose binding legislation: “The Commission expects online platforms to take swift action over the coming months, (…) [and] will monitor progress and assess whether additional measures are needed, in order to ensure the swift and proactive detection and removal of illegal content online, including possible legislative measures to complement the existing regulatory framework. This work will be completed by May 2018”.
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