New Copyright Law changes Google News in Germany: The Federation of German Newspaper Publishers vs. Online Readers.

L ast Friday, Google announced on its German blog that this summer the German Google News (hereafter "GGN") will change [1] (see here ). What are the consequences for German publishers? Does this new copyright law harm Google? Is Germany the only country against this product? Explanations. Google has (only) one mission: “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”. In other words, to serve hundreds of thousands of users and customers around the world. Among the different (free) products/services created and proposed by Google to accomplish this mission, Google News is certainly one of the most important one. Launched in September 2002, with the aim of selecting most up-to-date information from thousands of publications by an automatic aggregation algorithm, “Google News has grown to 72 editions in 30 languages, and now draws from more than 50,000 news sources. The technology also powers Google’s news search. Togethe...