Internet Blackout On April 22nd in Protest of CISPA: The Time Has Come For Another Online Strike!
More than a year ago, after the biggest Internet support ever against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), the Internet hacking group Anonymous calls for another Internet blackout on Monday April 22 nd . This time, it's against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), better known as the controversial law trying to control and censor the people. Before developing the reasons for this new online protestation, we should remember what exactly happened on January 18 th 2012 with SOPA. Based upon diverse concerns that SOPA would bypass the “safe harbor” protection of the DMCA, censorship the Internet, and violate the first amendment, for the first time in the Internet history, we saw a massive revolution from the Internet users and important Web 2.0 websites. The “Internet blackout” will certainly remain an example of the biggest Internet support ever. A few days later, on the other side of the Atlantic, the European Union...